Kailijumei: Flower Lipstick


Hey Everyone! I'm here to review the Kailijumei Flower Lipstick! Now this lipstick has been going around as the most beautiful lipstick in the world and I wanted to see for myself if I would like this lipstick. I have seen around Youtube and Instagram about this lipstick and from the looks of it, the lipstick is quite mesmerizing and it also changes color based on the temperature! So here is my review :)

 The lipstick comes in a small box with the logo ^^ 
I will honestly say that I was surprised by the packaging considering the hype over this lipstick and the price, but it was simple and easy to open unlike most fancy packages. 

Now the actual lipstick comes in this bright metallic red case, which includes a mirror on the side of the case, and it's actually very light to carry. The color that I got was the Barbie Doll Powder lipstick and I did choose this thinking it corresponded to the color of the lipstick (oops). There are four different lipsticks available right now on the official website and the color is the same for all.

The unique part of this lipstick is how you open the case. On top of the lid, there is a button that you can push that will dispense the lipstick out of the case. As seen above, when you push the button on top, the lipstick comes out at the bottom.^^ It is quite fun to push open the lipstick (hehe) every time you want to put it on. The mirror is on the flat side of the case (I forgot to take a picture of it) but if you see in the picture the flat side is where you can use the mirror to apply on the lipstick. I find this convenient and also great for traveling on the go. Also the mirror prevents the lipstick from rolling away like most lipsticks!
Now for the final reveal......

Tadaa!!! Look at that beautiful lipstick!
I was amazed when I unraveled the lipstick and it revealed this^^ The lipstick has a beautiful pink flower in the center and gold flakes scattered inside. It is clear, but has a hint of light pink to it and I absolutely never seen any lipstick like this. The flower is really inside the lipstick and I honestly couldn't stop staring at it when I first got it. 

When I applied it on my lips were a light pink color, but after a few minutes of leaving it on the color started to darken just a little. The original shade of pink only deepened to intensify my lips in a more noticeable color. This was interesting as it really does change depending on your temperature. The lipstick is also quite moisturizing and has a light sweet sent. The smell of it is kinda hard to explain, but it has a light scent of cosmetics you find in makeup. 

Overall, I absolutely love this lipstick and I always use it when I need a light natural color for a simple outfit. I also enjoy showing this lipstick to my family and friends as they all are amazed by it and end up buying as well. I am satisfied by this product for sure and I definitely recommend this to anyone thinking about buying it. 

My only problems with this lipstick is that the color constantly changes throughout the day so I sometimes don't know if the lipstick wore off and end up applying over and over. Also when I ordered this, it took almost a month for me to get it and although I am satisfied by the product, waiting for a month was a bit disappointing. 

If you guys want to purchase this I got it off their website here :http://kailijumei.tictail.com/

It is a bit expensive for one lipstick ($27) so for anyone wanting to save money I found an alternative on eBay here

Now it is definitely cheaper than the original so I don't think it is authentic, but I did have a friend purchase this and it is almost, if not perfect, to the actual lipstick.


Disclaimer: This review reflects my own opinions and thoughts on the product. I am not sponsored or paid to review the product.

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